Getting divorced is not a pleasant experience. There is no way around that, but here are a few resources that you might find helpful for you to understand the whole family law process in Minnesota.
Minnesota Family Law Resources

- Minnesota Court Website : The Minnesota Court System website provides a great deal of information, including forms, information about judges, and how to file certain simple legal forms.
- Minnesota Case Information (MNCIS): Want to find out someone’s criminal record (for free)? This is the place. You can also check on civil and family law cases.
- MN Child Support Calculator: This is the official state calculator for child support in Minnesota, a fantastic resource.
- Parents Forever: Ordered to take the Parenting class? this site tells you exactly what it is.
- MN Supreme Court Guide on Parenting Time: I’ve no idea why the Minnesota Supreme Court decided to write a 13 page booklet on what they think is best for Minnesota children, but they did and here it is.
- MN Family Court Rules: Here is the entire set of Minnesota Family Court Rules.
- a great resource to help minimize future conflict during and after divorce and custody cases involving children.
- SMRLS (often called Legal Aid) contact them if you are below the poverty line and do not have assets available to help pay for a private divorce lawyer.
- Kohlmeyer Hagen Law Office – Perhaps the finest law firm that has ever been created (I might be biased).